Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Called Out

You offered lots of feedback on last week's sermon (which I always appreciate), and you were largely united in your comments. In fact, this one comment pretty much sums up your combined sentiments: "Oh, my God! You called us out!"

Un-huh. Sure did. Haven't you heard that the first obligation of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted...and afflict the comfortable?

But a couple of you took a different tack. A couple of you wanted to know, "Pastor, if there are so many people and projects in need of our money and time, then why are we going to spend so much money to build a new building?"

I'm glad you asked! It's a good question, and one that I know is motivated by wanting to discern God's will rather than planning our own agenda.

Let me offer you three reasons for why I think building a larger sanctuary is exactly the right thing to do now.

First, never does a week go by that someone does not tell me that finding MCC Austin has saved his life, restored her hope, or lifted her spirits. We want to have room for all of those who want to come and connect with us, but we don't. Studies suggest that when facilities (sanctuaries, parking lots, etc.) are 80% full, people entering experience a strong feeling that there is not enough room for them. During the winter and spring, we were over 80% capacity at 11:00 over 80% of the time, and even during the summer, when attendance is always lower, we're averaging 75% capacity at 11:00. Those of you who attend only on Saturday night or Sunday morning at 9:00 might not see it, but that's our reality. We also welcome 80% of our first time visitors at 11: 00. We do not want them, or anyone else, to get the message from lack of seats or lack of parking that we don't have room for them. (One thing to keep in mind for those of you who feel like the sanctuary is less full than it used to be: we've used all kinds of innovations and have added 50 additional chairs to the sanctuary over the past year.)

Second, until we provide more worship space, we will have to keep hiding our light under a bushel--or at least keep it dimmed a bit. We have stopped publicizing MCC Austin in any ways beyond our web site and your personal invitations. Why? For the reasons I laid out above. We would love to promote through the Chronical and other venues some of the truly amazing series and services that we offer, but we can't do that faithfully because we don't have room. We must rectify that. Part of our commitment to being a church without walls is breaking down barriers that would prevent anyone from coming into our fellowship; radical hospitality demands that we make sure we have room for all those who would like to join us!

And third, we need more room in our sanctuary so that all those who would like to fish can learn to fish. Have you heard the saying, "Give people fish and they eat for a day; teach them to fish and they eat for a lifetime"? Well, worship offers us the greatest opportunity to teach people to fish--it's not the only way, not always even the best way, but it certainly has the greatest impact. Worship is the best way for us to provide education and understanding through sharing the Word, reminders of God's grace through the sacraments, and opportunities for community through fellowship. Additionally, we make sure that your gifts of time, talent, and treasure are not just one time charity, but are rather ongoing acts of social justice...compassionate acts motivated by love for God and sustained through the continuing nourishment of the Holy Spirit.

So it turned out to be a week of calling each other out, and I know it made some of you anxious. But don't be! One of the greatest gifts I ever received was when a dear friend called me out--out of my comfort zone and into ministry in MCC. That's what people in community with each other do: call each other out, draw each other in, and build each other up!

Always in Hope,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shelter in God/Shelter-ing God

Since the beginning of August, we have used portions of “Eagle’s Wings” by Michael Joncas in our Sunday worship services. It is a beautiful work of art that soars just as its name suggests. Listen:

You who dwell in the shelter of our Lord,
who abide in God’s shadow for life,
say to the Lord: "My refuge, my rock in whom I trust!"


And God will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun,
and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.

This weekend my sermon will be “Shelter in God vs. Shelter-ing God.” Reading that title, you might think that the “sheltering God” part is a description of God, that it refers to God’s act of sheltering those who seek shelter. But I’m thinking of something different. I’m thinking of the many ways and means by which we humans attempt to shelter God. I’m thinking of how often we slip from seeking the shelter of God’s providence, protection, and grace into seeking to shelter God…to protect God.

There are many ways we do this. Sometimes we, like the people of Israel, seek to place God in a box—a small one like the Ark of the Covenant, or a larger one like the temple Solomon built in Jerusalem. Our motivation may be to keep God near and be assured of God’s presence, but this effort is often less than a half-step away from an attempt to exert our own control over God. “Let’s keep God right here, in this denomination, in this sanctuary, at this altar so we know at all times where God is and what God’s doing!” Next thing you know, we’ve gone beyond keeping God in a box and are suddenly permitting or denying the requests of those who would dare to request access. You see, now that we’re sheltering God, we must protect God from all kinds of imagined affronts and intrusions.

Then we become small and our faith becomes small…

I invite you to think about these things as you read the scripture passage for this week. (Actually, I encourage you to read all of I Kings 8 if you can.) Ask yourself some questions: What are my tendencies to shelter God? Do I try to protect God from my shortcomings? From what I perceive as other’s failings or impurities? My desires? From what do I seek God’s shelter? From circumstances? Pain? To whom should I offer shelter?

And finally, I want you to keep this in mind. We at MCC Austin have declared that we discern God calling us to be a church without walls. Do you hear the hope in that? Do you hear a desire NOT to be a box in which we keep God? I think it’s a clear sign of hope and a very good start…

See you in church!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Come, Holy Spirit

Like many people who write regularly as part of their vocation or avocation, I am blessed to have a muse. My muse and I have a complex relationship. I don’t own her and can’t predict her arrival. She won’t schedule appointments in advance. She shows up unbidden, always sure I’ll be happy to see her, and I always am.

But there is one thing I’ve learned to count on over time--the more I prepare myself for her arrival, the more likely she is to come around. By that I mean that my muse likes to weave words from a variety of fabrics. If I’ve collected threads of stories and strips of ideas from books and movies and a heart and ear tuned to life, she shows up happy and gets right to work, helping me spin off sermons and series, and I delight in her presence.

But if I’ve cut myself off from the warp and weft of life, too busy to pick up a book, not paying attention to the vignettes unfolding around me, she shies away, dancing, I’m sure, on more inviting playgrounds.

Seems to me that this relationship is analogous to my relationship with the Holy Spirit. As we’re reminded in the Fourth Gospel, the Spirit, like the wind, blows where it will. Surely the Spirit delights to settle into a space that’s made warm and welcoming by a willing heart, an open mind, and a compassionate soul. Conversely, I can imagine the Spirit choosing to move on, to keep looking for a kinder resting place, when confronted by a no-vacancy sign on a heart or a mind whose Day Planner section has even the margins filled with “stuff.”

Over the last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to prepare myself for both muse and Spirit. For the muse, the stirring beauty of the Pacific Ocean, the energy and romance of the streets of San Francisco, the wonder of the Museum of Modern Art, and the tastes and smells of all the world stretched out like an endless banquet. For the Spirit, the inspiration and encouragement of shared ministry, the renewal of morning devotionals and reflection, and the soul-deep impact of Taize and candlelight.

When the Spirit moves near you, will she want to come in? Will she see an invitation to dwell in spaces made warm and welcoming by prayer, rest, devotion, creativity, and passion? Or will she find doors closed and areas sealed off by obstacles such as over-work, worry, negativity, and self-doubt?

Take a moment…

Turn everything off…

Light a candle…

Breathe deeply…

Sing to the Spirit…

She will come. She will come.
