Thursday, September 25, 2008

Our Lives Together

A few months ago, Dr. Paul Dodd called and asked if I'd be interested in participating in a service to remember the 10th anniversary of the hate killing of Matthew Shepard. I was glad to have the opportunity to take part in what I thought to be an important event.

At our initial planning meeting, someone mentioned that it was also the 10th anniversary of the hate killing of James Byrd, Jr. All of us present quickly agreed that the event should be expanded to include Mr. Byrd's death as well.

What has evolved is an event that I think is significant for all of Austin, an event called Hope Not Hate. I am proud that MCC Austin, through our diversity ministry (AADM), is a co-sponsor of this event along with University Baptist Church, Equality Texas, Soulforce, and Church of the Savior. Our participation signals once again that we are committed to being a radically inclusive community--a church without walls! We are committed to reaching beyond all types of "isms" that separate people from one another--especially beyond racism and heterosexism.

Please invite your friends to Hope Not Hate on Sunday, Oct. 12, at 5:00 at University Baptist Church, 2130 Guadalupe. The keynote speaker for the gathering will be Rev. Dr. Stephen Sprinkle, Associate Professor of Practical Theology at TCU's Brite Divinity School. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo and a representative from the Travis County Sheriff's Department will also offer their remarks. Childcare will be provided and the evening will be ASL interpreted.

It is important that we not let our lasting images of these two men, James Byrd, Jr. and Matthew Shepard, be images of them as the victims of hate. Rather, we are called by their memories to do all we can to ensure that hate will never be the final word. We are called to join our hope for a more just, fair, and compassionate world with our actions in a way that brings about true and lasting change.

Always in Hope...