Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Church Without Walls

I am so looking forward to our worship services this weekend and a chance to explore together our vision of becoming A Church Without Walls.

Before we focus on our vision, though, I thought it might be helpful to share a little bit about what we mean when we talk about our vision and to share a little of the history of our vision discerning process.

MCC Austin's understanding of vision was largely informed by Thomas G. Bandy's book Moving Off the Map. Bandy says that a vision is "a song in the heart. It is a metaphor or symbol, a rhythm or tune, a picture or experience, the mere presentation of which elicits spontaneous joy and excitement. Vision speaks to the heart, not the mind."

That's pretty lofty!

Bandy then goes on to explain key criteria of a meaningful vision. First, visions aren't created by humans, he cautions, but by God. Humans are faced with the task of discerning God's vision for them.

Second, Bandy points out that vision statements are threatening statements. "Core values and bedrock beliefs help define who you are, but authentic vision will change who you are," Bandy says.

Third, Bandy warns that vision can never be fully expressed in words. In order to fully present our vision, he says, we must "transcend mere words to express the raw enthusiasm or emotional power that leads us to take real risks."

Can you imagine the anxiety those words cause me as I prepare a sermon on our vision? (This is where I would insert a smile but it might not appear very dignified.)

The truth is, I don't mind taking the risk necessary to get at the heart of our vision at all--as long as you're with me and we're all aware that the vision belongs to God, who blesses us with it.

See You in Worship...