That's the word I usually reserve for informing basketball referees that what I've seen doesn't match up with what they've called. The volume and length of the word usually grow in proportion to my disbelief.
But I've had a different experience with that word lately. In fact, I think I've whispered it half a dozen times this week alone. Unbelievable that we just decorated the sanctuary for Advent and here it is Christmas Eve. Unbelievable that Thanksgiving is a distant memory. Unbelievable that in less than two months we will enter the Lenten season.
So many things that are hard to wrap my mind around!
But Christmas time, perhaps more than any other, is a time for believing, so I want to share with you a few of the things that I believe...believe with all my heart.
I believe that our community of faith at MCC Austin is growing and maturing as disciples--followers and students--of Christ. I see it in the way we worship, the way we treat each other, the way we are trying to minister to others both inside and outside of the church proper.
I believe that we have an extraordinary group of lay leaders. The talent, the generosity, the ministry of our lay leaders inspires me daily. From our Worship Team to our Sunday School teachers to our Deacons and Communion Team and Board and musicians and on and on we are blessed and blessing others constantly. When I watch you serving each other, I am at the same time humbled and uplifted by the way God works and loves and heals through you.
I believe that the staff, both paid and volunteer, that we have gathered is a remarkable group. I believe that the genuine love and respect we have for each other, the true joy we have in working together, and the shared purpose we claim create an atmosphere in which we are open and available to the Spirit. I believe God enjoys coming to work with us as much as we enjoy coming to work together!
I believe that we as a congregation are being invited by God to do amazing things. I believe that God has been working in us and working on us, and that we're poised to take God's love, joy, peace, and hope far beyond the bounds of 8601 S. First Street.
I believe that we are ready to draw our circle wide and wider still, keeping God as the center of light and love from which we radiate.
Merry, Merry Christmas!