Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God's Healing Hope and Peace

Whenever I invite people to worship with us, I always make sure they know they have three opportunities each weekend. My invitation goes something like this: “We have three worship services each weekend, and we’d love to have you join us for one or all of them! On Saturday night at 6:24, we have “comfortable church” with music from our 6:24 Band. On Sunday morning at 9:00 and at 11:00 we have…” Right about here in the invitation my mouth and mind go their separate ways. My mouth says something like “a more traditional service with a choir and worship leaders wearing vestments.” My mind, on the other hand, is still hung up on my invitation to “comfortable church” and the vague worry that some people might assume that Sunday morning is “uncomfortable church.”

I mean, if you make a point of using a particular label or description like “comfortable” for certain services, then it’s reasonable for people to assume that other services are not that certain thing, right?

Is anyone still reading?

If you are, and you’re not totally confused, you’ll find this next part simple to follow…

This Sunday our worship services will be slightly different in their order and emphasis. Now, many of you won’t notice any real change at all, but others of you will realize that our emphasis is on “healing” and that we’re offering time and space and intention for the Spirit to move in healing ways. Ordinarily, I’d describe it to you as a “healing service” and move on. But this week, I want to make sure that I don’t leave room for any misunderstanding: Even though the Worship Team has created a “healing service” for this week, it is NOT unlike every other worship service we share together. Whether we acknowledge and lift up God’s healing presence every time we gather or not, we definitely receive it.

Often, we don’t even know the healing that others have experienced while praying, singing, worshiping…. And of course, it doesn’t stop with worship. We’re often unaware of the healing that God has worked in people’s lives, but we can be sure it is happening constantly. God knits broken hearts together, and they’re not “as good as new.” They’re better than ever! They are bigger—at least 2 sizes!—and more ready to give and receive and nurture love. God soothes exhausted spirits and offers everyone the invitation to “Come unto me and rest.” God offers hope in the face of impossibility and peace in the midst of chaos.

Come and worship with us this weekend. I don’t promise you anything new, different, or exciting. Just the same ol’ same ol’: healing, wholeness, peace, hope, joy, acceptance, affirmation….

Ahhhhhh. Thank God.

Love and Blessings,