For those of you who weren't able to worship with us last weekend, I want to share with you some highlights and hi-lites from the sermon, and offer encouragement as you consider how you can incorporate the highlights rather than the hi-lites into your spiritual journey.
First, some clarification on hi-lites vs. highlights. Last weekend I shared this invitation from the Lite Church:
Welcome to the Lite Church
We ask for 24% fewer commitments
Home of the 7.5% tithe
10 minute sermons
35 minute worship services
We only follow 8 commandments--your choice
We teach 3 of the 4 Gospels
We're everything you've ever wanted in a church ... and less!
That's a hi-lite, and oh, it sure can be tempting to look for just such a church!
Now here is a highlight from Thomas Bandy, author of Moving Off the Map, the primary resource that guided Team Vision as they led us through discerning our core values, bedrock beliefs, mission, and vision statements:
"Congregations ... fail to make intentional connections between faith sharing and beneficial action. They believe that 'actions will speak louder than words.' Yet in [our] world in which do-gooders are regarded with remarkable suspicion, congregations have to share the motivation that lies behind the action. Beneficial action, without intentional spiritual growth, never achieves long-term societal solutions."
I expanded on this quote by saying that beneficial action without intentional spiritual growth will never achieve long-term personal transformation, either. Faith without works is dead. And works without faith is dead, or if not dead, certainly not life giving or life transforming.
My desire is that our faith community will take seriously our commitment to individual spiritual growth. Through spiritual practices of prayer, study, meditation, service, silence, song, worship, and so many more, we continue to draw close to God, to abide in God's presence, and to renew our spirits.
This week we are adding two new spiritual growth opportunities to the over 25 that are ongoing here at MCC Austin. Tonight we begin a new season of the Word on Wednesday. This season's theme is Talk the Walk: How To Talk about Your Faith and Your Church. On Sunday evening at 5:30, we will hold our first ever Sunday evening prayer service at Faith Presbyterian, 1314 E. Oltorf. I hope you will consider making one of these experiences a part of your weekly walk. If neither fits your schedule or piques your interest, give Alycia a call at 512-291-8601 and visit with her about the many, many other opportunities available.
Finally, I leave you with this story. Two friends were talking together. One said, "I'm thinking about leaving my church." The other asked, "Why's that?" The first replied, "Oh, my church just doesn't feed me anymore." With genuine concern, her friend asked, "When's the last time you picked up a spoon?"
Come and be fed; the tables are ready.
Always in Hope,