If you grew up going to Sunday School like I did, you probably heard the story of the three servants and their talents many times. You probably listened to admonishments not to squander your God given talents. Some of you might have even heard teachers caution you against using your talents in any pursuit that wasn't "holy" or "Godly." Do you remember the criticism Amy Grant endured when she turned from contemporary Christian to popular music?
I don't want to debate those lessons this week, but I do want to broaden the discussion a little. Two things have captured my attention as I've studied this week's Gospel lesson from Matthew. First, I've been struck by the realization of how much money a talent actually is. You see, ever since I was a child I've accepted the interpretation that this parable is about our faithful use of our skills and abilities. No one ever stressed the literal interpretation of this parable and the fact that a talent was equivalent to about 15 years of wages! One of the servants in this parable received an amount of money equal to a full 15 years' wages, another the equivalent of 30 years' wages, and the third an amount equivalent to 75 years' wages. This parable is much more than a child's bedtime story about using the talents God has given us. The stakes in this story are exceptionally high, and I think we should delve into that a bit.
Second, I'm troubled by the end of the scripture. Along with being told that this parable was about skills and abilities, I was taught that the wealthy "master" in the story represented God. This troubles me on two levels. First, it troubles me because the third servant characterizes the master as cruel, and harsh-someone to be feared. Second, it troubles me because the master's response to the third servant is terrifying. "You wicked and lazy slave!" he explodes. Later the master says to the others, "For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Mercy! Where's the grace in that?
I invite you to study this passage during the week and ask God to illuminate the text and the meaning as you study. You might even find it helpful to compare Matthew's version of the parable to Luke's version in Luke 19:11-27. As you pray your way through the passage, I encourage you to share your thoughts and questions with me. It's always a blessing to hear from you!
May God Bless and Keep You,