Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans of Foreign Wars

I hope you're planning to worship with us this weekend. Along with singing, sharing the Word, and celebrating communion together, we will also honor our military veterans by, among other things, having veterans process in the U.S. flag and the flags of the different branches of the military.

We know that our LGBT brothers and sisters who have served in the military have most often done so with even greater risk and greater personal sacrifice than our straight brothers and sisters. Many of them have "served in silence," and many of them have received silence or censure instead of thanks after their service. We hope all of you who have served or still actively serve in our military will come to church this weekend and allow us to recognize you for your commitment. Invite your friends, too, especially if they are LGBT veterans who have never been publically honored before.

In preparation for worship, I invite all of you to read Joshua 24:1-18 and spend time reflecting on the intentionality, commitment, risk, and rewards of your own service. Truly, in your life, whom or what do you serve? Do you serve God? In what ways? What is your motivation? Does your service to God serve others? Does it have an effect on you? If you'll spend some time answering these questions, you'll be ready when I ask them again in worship, and you'll be able to follow me as I share with you my belief that all of us, civilian and military alike, are "Veterans of Foreign Wars."
