Thursday, January 29, 2009

The OTHER Three Letter Word


There, I said it. How are y'all doing with that? You okay? Still a little uncomfortable when your pastor uses the other three letter word (meaning the three letter word that's not God)? Thankful that you have had a succession of pastors at MCC Austin that can say the word? Worried about how I am after having said it?

Don't worry; I'm fine. Truthfully, better than fine. As I told the Pastoral Search Team eight months ago, I believe that being able to talk and preach and think and pray with you about sexuality openly, honestly, and often is a sacred trust; a humbling opportunity; and a wonderful, though mysterious, blessing.

This weekend, as we continue our series on the different nuances of love, we remain with eros. This week's sermon title is "Sexual Salvation," a title I borrowed with permission from a sermon by Rev. Elder Ken Martin. The words "sexual" and "salvation" might seem oddly juxtaposed to you. After all, the word "sexual" connotes the body, things of "the flesh," and things "of this world." The word "salvation," on the other hand, most often connotes the soul, matters of the spirit, and things "celestial," or "not of this world."

I contend that those opposing connotations are the very reason that these two words need each other, need to be coupled, need to be close enough to touch.

When we force these two concepts apart, set them in different camps, make enemies of them, then we end up actually cutting Solomon's baby in half. We show no wisdom and no mercy. We destroy something beautiful and leave everyone bereft.

I'm not going to write the whole sermon here, or you might be tempted not to come to church. But I am going to ask you to prepare yourself for the sermon. I'm going to ask that you pray about, read about, and yes, even talk about these words "sex" and "salvation" before you come to worship. Invite God to ready your heart, mind, and Spirit for what you need to receive from the sermon. And please, pray for me, too. Pray that every word and thought that I share with you will be exactly what God intends it to be.

See you in worship!