I've tried to come up with another word to use, but there's just not one. So here again, for the second time in less than a month, is my signature exclamation: Unbelievable!
Unbelievable that we've said goodbye to Advent, my favorite season of the church year, and I'm not a bit sad about it. I don't have time or energy or need to be sad because I'm too excited about Epiphany and our theme "Love Letters from God."
Mother Teresa once described herself as a pencil in the hand of a God who is writing love letters to the world. During Epiphany, we're going to continue our year's theme of "Sacred Desire~Spiritual Yearnings" as we explore different types of love and the risks and rewards of giving and receiving those types of love. Here are the types of love we will explore:
January 10 & 11 Storge- love of parents and children"Before I Am and Yet a Child of Me"
January 17 & 18 Thelema- desire to do things; will"MiLK"
January 24 & 25 Eros- soulful love"Soul Mates"
January 31 & February 1 Eros-erotic love"Sexual Salvation"
February 7 & 8 Philia- love of siblings"Poet, Prophet, and Priest"
February 14 & 15 Agape- love"Wide Open"
Each time we gather together you will have an opportunity to send your own love letters to the world. It will be amazing!
I hope you will commit yourself to worshiping with us every weekend of the series. I think you will be moved to laughter, moved to tears, and moved to new depths of loving God and others.
One last thing. As your Worship Team has planned these services, we've been mindful of the emotional impact of this series. If you find yourself with questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of your pastors or deacons. You can find staff email addresses on our website at www.mccaustin.com or reach us through the office at (512) 291-8601, and you can call the Deacon Care Line at (512) 291-8819.
Please never think that your questions or concerns are too trivial or that your needs are inconsequential. Reach out. Trust God. Trust others.
May we all be pencils in God's hand.